A Potpourri of Vestiges Review
By Murtaza Ali Khan

By Murtaza Ali Khan

I just
finished watching the second episode of Game of Thrones - Season 7 and just can’t
wait to share my thoughts. Before I get down to the business I must first flash
just as I had anticipated (given Uncle Martin's hate for predictability) it's
not gonna be a cake walk for the Mother of Dragons. Is Euron Greyjoy a more
dangerous villain than Joffrey and Ramsey? Well, time will tell that better but
certainly he has announced his arrival in a big big way by decimating a couple
of powerful allies of Daenerys Targaryen. His gift for Cersei would certainly
make her take his marriage proposal seriously. I personally would love to see
Euron get killed by Jamie's left hand.
in the North, Jon Snow perhaps has made the biggest mistake of his life by
pouncing on the helpless Littlefinger the moment he confessed his 'love' for
Sansa. Having done that, I guess not killing him was an even bigger mistake. Jon
Snow certainly knows nothing! But his good friend Samwell Tarly does seem to
know a thing or two about the forbidden cure of Greyscale. Speaking of Sam, his
inconsiderate father Lord Tarly must consider an offer from the Kingslayer, an
offer he can't refuse.
Dragonstone, Grey Worm must leave with the Unsullied to capture the Lannister
bastion of Casterly Rock as part of Tyrion’s master plan. Knowing he may not return
alive he confesses his love to Missandei following which the two share some
very intimate moments (this one has to be one of the better lovemaking
sequences in GoT).
bumps into an old friend which makes her change her mind against paying Cersei
a surprise visit in King's Landing. Surprise! Surprise! She is now headed to
Winterfell to unite with her newly crowned half brother. En route, she gets
surrounded by a pack of hungry direwolves. But the thing with Arya is that surprises
just don’t end.
in Dragonstone, Dany confronts Varys and questions him about his ever-changing
loyalty. She does pardon him but not before warning him about the repercussions
if he ever dared to betray her like he had betrayed her father. Moments later
Dany and her council learn about the arrival of someone unexpected, someone
Varys doesn't particularly like—a humble servant of the Lord of the Light. It
is on this person's advice that she instructs Tyrion to summon the one who
knows nothing.
receives a message from Tyrion Lannister seeking his alliance with the Dragon
Queen but both Sansa and Davos think it to be too dangerous for him to leave Winterfell.
Jon eventually agrees for a rendezvous with Daenerys Stormborn after he learns from Sam
about the vast deposits of Dragonglass in Dragonstone. He leaves Sansa in charge
of affairs with a scheming Littlefinger lurking in the shadows, waiting for his
opportunity, now more desperate than ever. Going by the looks of it, he would
do well to survive the season. I hope he does. Petyr Baelish is one man capable
of working out some sort of an understanding even with the Night's King.
Read: my review of Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 1
All in all it proved to be a satisfactory episode but it was particularly high on graphic content. But I don't think it's something that traditional GoT fans mind.
Read: my review of Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 1
All in all it proved to be a satisfactory episode but it was particularly high on graphic content. But I don't think it's something that traditional GoT fans mind.
Readers, please feel free to share your opinion by leaving your comments. As always your valuable thoughts are highly appreciated!
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