A Potpourri of Vestiges Feature

Produced under the banner of La artiste, Indian filmmaker Aneek Chaudhari’s silent movie 'White' is set to be screened at Marché du Film as part of Festival de Cannes 2018. The screening is scheduled for 11th May 2018 at 18:00 hours, local time.
Reacting to the news, Aneek said, “One could not expect a better opening anyway! Cannes is the mecca of Cinema where each and every filmmaker is given his/her due. We would surely look forward to cashing in with more networking as we stress on sustainability”.
White speaks about the universal topic of rape; more importantly, this is a silent motion picture with a duration of around 75 minutes. The first look of this film was launched at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.
White is a film that combines three tales with the common theme of rape. The first story speaks of a factory worker, the second story speaks of a single mother and the third story is of a married couple where the wife gets raped. The region of production is Bengal and the actors starring in it are from the very state.
White is silent due to two major facts i.e. the consequences of rape are not to be spoken about and this is a silent struggle for those who get raped and secondly, this film aims at keeping no language barrier in the field of World Cinema since this is a universal topic.
As quoted by the director, "White speaks of a ray of optimism that always appears in darkness. And women being the ones always bearing the brunt of many things in this society, have grown this instinct of surviving and fighting the most dreadful situations. Rape is certainly one of them."
As per him, India is a country which has been reporting cases of women related crimes quite often; however, this film is about the fight that comes afterwards. Three women leading their lives differently all of a sudden grows something in common and tries to come out of it in their own unique way.
The film is silent symbolising the nature of struggle that runs within a person and needs not to be expressed in words.
White, according to Aneek, is another step where he has been trying to eliminate the usage of language and give a touch of universality to topics that require attention. It is believed that the silent nature of the film would make it more approachable to world audiences.
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